Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I watched a video today about a group that travels through Africa in the "brush" to find remote villages that no one knows about.  The group came up on 2 starving children laying in the dirt.  Both suffered from polio.  A few minutes later, their sister comes out from the bushes.  She had just walked miles and carried a bucket of water with her.  She had no access to food, but knew she could access water.  She bathed both her brother and her sister.  This video basically ripped my heart out.  I will post the video at the end of the post, but fair warning... if you are bothered easily, don't watch it. 

I started thinking about it.  Asking God how do we reach them all?  Why these tiny children?  Why do I get to be loved and full and sleep in a bed, but they don't?  The video has a good ending.  The children are taken to a hospital and nursed back to health.  But you can't help but think about the millions who arent helped... who arent discovered and nursed back to health.  When I started getting upset about this God reminded me that I cannot change the sadness in this world.  I cannot feed millions of people... so take what I give you... talents, gifts, money, and use it to glorify me.  I will take care of what needs to be taken care of... trust Me. He also brought this verse to my mind... and it showed me my part, as well as these little children's situation. 

But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Luke 12:48

Just some food for thought... here's the video:

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm not watching the video because I am bothered easily. Especially in the realm of children these days. But I aboslutely agree with you. I'm reading Crazy Love right now...it speaks to using what God gives us in such abundance to glorify Him...by giving to the poor, the needy, the hurting around us.

    Great post, sis. Keep 'em coming!
